Tour to Greece - your dream come true!
Greece is a wonderful country! This direction has always been popular and relevant, both among young vacationers and older tourists. The high demand for tours to Greece is due to…

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Yaransk: the city, its events and people
Yaransk is a small city, but this does not prevent it from being charming in its own way. This lovely town does not sleep, it is full of interesting events,…

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10 reasons to go to Israel
When the long-awaited vacation approaches, then during one short trip to the resort I want to cover everything. If you buy a tour to Israel, your vacation will be as…

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Tours in Thailand. What to do in Bangkok

Anyone who decided to visit Bangkok during their stay in Thailand can be sure that disappointment will not befall him. The first thing that catches your eye, or rather, annoys the sense of smell receptors is a riot of odors. All sorts of aromas accompany everywhere, chasing literally on the heels, and after a couple of hours, a bouquet of fragrances from fried fish, nuts and dried squid does not seem so stunning.

If you do not take into account all the “incense” that comes in the nose to an unprepared traveler, then you need to recognize the fact that Bangkok is really mesmerizing. Continue reading

Resting in Russia - Bogolyubovo
Bogolyubovo is one of the ancient settlements that arose during the time of Ancient Russia. Bogolyubovo appeared in the middle of the XII century by order of one of the…


Modern hotel Vladimir: what is it?
The history of the hotel business has more than one thousand years. Hotels began to develop back in ancient Greece and Rome, and their development was very long. During this…


Rest more - live longer
In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. It was for them that scientists from America introduced a special term - “absence leave syndrome”. This…
