Prepare your car for travel
In order for the car trip to go without surprises, you should check the condition of the car components and additional equipment, which has different specifications in different European countries,…

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Interesting facts about the Coliseum
The ancient building for mass shows - the Colosseum, located at the base of two of the seven hills of the city - the Capitol and the Palatine, is considered…

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Tours in Thailand. What to do in Bangkok
Anyone who decided to visit Bangkok during their stay in Thailand can be sure that disappointment will not befall him. The first thing that catches your eye, or rather, annoys…

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Modern hotel Vladimir: what is it?

The history of the hotel business has more than one thousand years. Hotels began to develop back in ancient Greece and Rome, and their development was very long. During this time, the hospitality industry has moved very far, from taverns to chic comfortable rooms. The level of service, which plays an important role in the hotel business, did not lag behind. Vladimir hotels keep pace with the times, providing their guests with maximum comfort and a wide range of services. Continue reading

Yacht Dreams
DREAMS ABOUT THE YACHT Many argue and debate on the topic of buying a yacht. For those who are still thinking about purchasing it, it will be useful to know…


The most interesting and unusual hotels in the world
It seems that in our time it is very difficult to attract a tourist to any country, a modern person will not be surprised at anything. This is actually not…


Israel Travel News (part 1)
ISRAELI BORDER ACCESS SYSTEM In February 2013, the Israeli authorities greatly simplified and accelerated the procedure for entering the country. The new system works successfully and concerns not only incoming…
