Yacht Dreams
DREAMS ABOUT THE YACHT Many argue and debate on the topic of buying a yacht. For those who are still thinking about purchasing it, it will be useful to know…

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Yaransk: the city, its events and people
Yaransk is a small city, but this does not prevent it from being charming in its own way. This lovely town does not sleep, it is full of interesting events,…

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Resting in Russia - Bogolyubovo
Bogolyubovo is one of the ancient settlements that arose during the time of Ancient Russia. Bogolyubovo appeared in the middle of the XII century by order of one of the…

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“New” Paris: little-known tourist places to go with children

The capital of France is unique in that it is always able to surprise both the inexperienced and the experienced traveler. Going to Paris for the first time, it is proposed to explore world famous sights. These include, of course, the Louvre, where you can spend more than one day.

It is worth visiting the Notre Dame Cathedral, and recall the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo, the Eiffel Tower, which is the visiting card of the city. All these places are the first in the excursion list of tourists. For those who want to get to know Paris more closely, to know its romance and truly fall in love with the city, it is suggested to walk along its quiet streets, taste delicious French sweets and just relax your soul. Continue reading

Life buoy for your boat
JUMPED TO KORAGU AND A CUFF! All fishermen, whether avid lovers or professionals, cherish and cherish their equipment for catching long-awaited prey. And most importantly - an inflatable PVC boat.…


Tourist Tunisia
In North Africa, there is a country that, from antiquity, has been of interest to wealthy Romans and Phoenicians, but has recently acquired the status of a beautiful resort. The…


Tourist Tunisia
In North Africa, there is a country that, from antiquity, has been of interest to wealthy Romans and Phoenicians, but has recently acquired the status of a beautiful resort. The…
