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Parachuting: what is a hobby for extreme sports?

Nowadays, every person is daily exposed to various emotional outbursts in both personal and public life. And, unfortunately, they are not always pleasant. A person needs to regularly get rid of the negative within himself. Various extreme sports are very helpful in this, since it is just such a sport that helps throw out adrenaline. And today, parachuting is considered the most popular. Most have already heard of him, and some are even involved. In order to start practicing, it will take quite a bit. The main thing is, in fact, everyone’s desire!

The parachute was first mentioned in the works of the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. He talks about how a person can go down from a height with the help of a starched canvas. However, this parachute was used in the XVIII century, namely in 1783, when ballooning was popular. In the twentieth century, aviation developed and pilots needed special individual parachutes. And then in 1911 a parachute was developed, already similar to the modern one. A little later they created the most advanced parachute. On July 26, 1930, the first jump of pilots from an airplane was made, and later on this day became Paratrooper Day.

Today, parachuting is a very common sport. Many different people think about jumping at least once in their lives. And then they can’t imagine their life without such extreme sports and adrenaline. And it happens that a person comes into parachuting completely by accident, and then remains in it forever.

A jump, and especially the very first one, is a very serious stress for the body. Note that parachuting is not recommended for people who have heart problems, as well as those suffering from hypertension, since the jump itself carries physical and mental stress. That is, before starting to engage in parachuting, a beginner will need to see a doctor and undergo a medical examination. Already on the basis of its results, a decision is made about the possibility of practicing this exciting sport. In addition, if there is excess weight, experts recommend getting rid of it, since the cost of the jump itself will depend on this. The ideal figure is 80 kg.

Initially, each beginner will need to be instructed in jumping, which takes about 4 hours. Of course, such a lengthy preparation is tiring, and at the same time, safety is given great importance. Although you can completely avoid this procedure and order a tandem jump. This is when the instructor will jump with the beginner. In any case, regardless of the choice at the first jump, the most powerful impressions.

A classic jump is carried out from a height of about 800-1000 m and lasts about 4 minutes. For a favorable landing, it is necessary to turn against the wind and reduce speed. At the same time, with two feet touch the ground.

How to start parachuting? Here you can use 2 ways:

join a paratrooper club
contact a parachute jumping organization for money
For the first jump, it does not matter which option is selected. But if you already have a couple of jumps behind, then you will need to join the club of skydivers.

An experienced instructor is obligatory assigned to a beginner. And his tasks are as follows: to verify the correct assembly of the parachute (inspection of the camera of the main and stabilizing parachutes, slings of the parachute and suspension system), equipment and much more. The equipment includes a satchel, main and emergency parachutes and a safety device. To exclude various complaints, everyone independently collects his parachute. Of course, this does not apply to tandem jump. Here the preparation for the jump is provided by an experienced instructor.

The cost of hobby is within reasonable limits. In the case of a one-time payment, the tandem jump will cost the most. Its minimum price is about 7 thousand rubles. Gradually, the amount decreases. After all, a beginner begins to jump on his own, and, thus, the cost of basic insurance is reduced. Entering the club, you will need to pay the down payment and deposit funds in accordance with the contract. The amount depends on the club itself and the available equipment.

Thus, for a start it will be better to use a paid service. Then, having completed your first jump, you need to understand how interesting this sport is and whether they should continue to do it. In the case of a positive decision, you can safely join the club and begin to conquer the sky.

Parachuting is an unusual sport. With it, the deepest feelings wake up in a person, aspirations are realized, various psychological needs and goals are satisfied. That is why in parachuting you can meet a variety of people, and each of them finds something definitely his own.

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