Floating Markets in Bangkok
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Correct installation of the protective strip for the keel of the vessel
Polyurethane plastic linings protect the stem and keel of the vessel from damage when mooring to the shore and climbing onto the trailer. The advantages of such a tape are…

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Ayda to learn new cities!

There are 1,100 cities in Russia. I want to visit all of them. Some of them are old, some are still very young.

The Golden Ring of Russia is a tourist route that runs through ancient cities. These cities are steeped in centuries of history.

The city of Vladimir was founded in the 12th century. Managed to be the capital of Russia. Many poppies of Orthodox churches are viewed from different places of the city. Here are the world famous Assumption and Dmitrievsky Cathedrals, in the first of which the frescoes of Rublev himself have been preserved.

Walking in the center of the city, imagination transfers to that old city of the 19th century, when the sound of horseshoes on paving stones is heard. Museums have cognitive installations. You can listen to the exciting stories of guides about the history of the Vladimir province.

Every year in Vladimir opens up more and more interesting places. This, for example, pubs or cafes. In many of them you will taste the most delicious burger, try a varied cuisine. Drink these goodies with a great drink to your taste.

After a hearty meal, it is time for entertainment. Board games to choose from and go ahead for the win.

In the center of the city are two parks – Lipki and park them. A.S. Pushkin. They surround the Assumption and Dmitrievsky Cathedrals with their alleys.

Four viewing platforms offer beautiful views of the real Russian open spaces, that is, fields and forests. Walking there, you always get great colorful photos and selfies.

All sights are inspected and studied. Parks and viewing platforms passed. The legs are buzzing. It’s time to rest. Vladimir hotels offer comfortable rooms. Take a seat and enjoy a cozy bed.

You gain strength and are ready to conquer new cities of our great country again.

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