Interesting facts about the Coliseum
The ancient building for mass shows - the Colosseum, located at the base of two of the seven hills of the city - the Capitol and the Palatine, is considered…

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PVC boats - how to improve quality?
Today, boats made of polyvinyl chloride can be called one of the most popular. For this reason, they are in mass sale. Due to increased demand, many manufacturers began to…

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Interesting facts about the Coliseum
The ancient building for mass shows - the Colosseum, located at the base of two of the seven hills of the city - the Capitol and the Palatine, is considered…

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necessary information

Dominican Republic – a tropical paradise on earth!

Dreaming of a vacation in a true paradise with unspoilt nature, amazing beaches and unique landscapes? Then last-minute tours to the Dominican Republic are your choice! You can swim in the country throughout the year, the flora and fauna are striking in their unique diversity, and the locals are always friendly, giving the best to guests. On the territory of the island state, you can also try delicious dishes that cannot be found in any kitchen in the world. What is the local rum worth? Continue reading

Resting in Russia – Bogolyubovo

Bogolyubovo is one of the ancient settlements that arose during the time of Ancient Russia. Bogolyubovo appeared in the middle of the XII century by order of one of the princes of that time, Andrei. The town is located in the Suzdal district in close proximity to the city of Vladimir and is one of the significant points in the route of the well-known Golden Ring.

We cannot but tell the legend of the foundation of this wonderful place. The story tells of an unusual event that occurred with Prince Andrew during the transportation of the icon of the Virgin from Vladimir to Rostov. Having departed a little from Vladimir, the horses stood rooted to the spot and no one could drive them from that place. It was decided to stay and wait the night in this mysterious place, and at night a great event happened – the appearance of Our Lady to Prince Andrew. After this night, Prince Andrew decided to establish a city in this place, and later a temple was erected here. Continue reading

Choose a travel agency

Suppose that you are going on a trip, but do not know who to turn to for the selection of a suitable tour.

In the tourist market of your city is full – full of relevant offers, and, of course, eyes are staring from such a variety.

Who to contact? How to choose the best company so that the rest not only delights, but also does not hit the wallet? Let’s figure it out.

The most important thing, of course, is to decide what you want to get from the rest.

Relax – tour. You want calm, measured rhythm: lie down on the beach. soak up the sun, calmly get up for breakfast, do not run anywhere. Continue reading

Massage in Thailand. How not to run into hack
Massage has long been loved and revered by almost all the inhabitants of the globe. It is understandable. One type of massage relaxes that in conditions of constant stress, work,…


Benefits of a Braided Spinning Cord
Anglers began to actively use braided cords for spinning instead of monofilament fishing line. Braided cords withstand heavy loads and are stronger than fishing line. When buying, remember that the…


Traveling with a child: which transport to choose?
Are you planning a trip with a small child? Congratulations! Someone will say that you are a desperate parent. We, on the contrary, will support you, and say that there…
