Rest more - live longer
In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. It was for them that scientists from America introduced a special term - “absence leave syndrome”. This…

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Israel Travel News (part 1)
ISRAELI BORDER ACCESS SYSTEM In February 2013, the Israeli authorities greatly simplified and accelerated the procedure for entering the country. The new system works successfully and concerns not only incoming…

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Cities of Vladimir land
Vladimir region is a bright star on the tourist map of Russia. There are architectural monuments, and natural beauties, and ancient cities, and estates of famous people. Devoting time to…

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Amazing Vietnam: plunge into a fairy tale

Coming to Vietnam, peering into the faces of local residents, the question is very interesting – are they really the children of a beautiful fairy and a formidable dragon, as the legend says? The people here are surprisingly kind, calm and pleasant. And their country is unusual, interesting and just as open and kind.

Ca phe sua da or ca phe den da: as in the riddle – you need to find the differences. In the first case, it is cold coffee with the addition of condensed milk, in the second – black hot. The coffee in Vietnam is delicious. Usually they drink it right in the city, surrounded by those who decided to recharge their batteries not in the home, but on the street. Continue reading

I would be in heaven ...
Many people think that they want to jump with a parachute, they want to feel this overwhelming feeling of adrenaline. This is a simple matter. The main thing is to…


Resting in Russia: Vladimir
The capital of tourist Russia and one of the most ancient cities, preserved from the time of Ancient Russia - Vladimir. The city, literally crowded with historical buildings and architectural…


Correct installation of the protective strip for the keel of the vessel
Polyurethane plastic linings protect the stem and keel of the vessel from damage when mooring to the shore and climbing onto the trailer. The advantages of such a tape are…
