Tourist Egypt. El gouna
Holidays in Egypt have long been no luxury. Many Russians fell in love with this country, its traditions and customs, hospitable resorts, among which the resort town of El Gouna…

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Walking in Vietnam
For modern tourists, the countries of the East and Asia are very attractive, since they are almost unknown. Interesting buildings make fantasy come true. Vietnam is a vivid example, it…

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Holidays in Spain - interesting facts
Which of us would not like to spend a vacation in Spain? After all, this sunny country is famous for its pleasant climate, amazing natural landscapes, a lot of impressive…

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Tours in Thailand. What to do in Bangkok

Anyone who decided to visit Bangkok during their stay in Thailand can be sure that disappointment will not befall him. The first thing that catches your eye, or rather, annoys the sense of smell receptors is a riot of odors. All sorts of aromas accompany everywhere, chasing literally on the heels, and after a couple of hours, a bouquet of fragrances from fried fish, nuts and dried squid does not seem so stunning.

If you do not take into account all the “incense” that comes in the nose to an unprepared traveler, then you need to recognize the fact that Bangkok is really mesmerizing. Continue reading

Tours in Thailand. What to do in Bangkok
Anyone who decided to visit Bangkok during their stay in Thailand can be sure that disappointment will not befall him. The first thing that catches your eye, or rather, annoys…


Massage in Thailand. How not to run into hack
Massage has long been loved and revered by almost all the inhabitants of the globe. It is understandable. One type of massage relaxes that in conditions of constant stress, work,…


Modern hotel Vladimir: what is it?
The history of the hotel business has more than one thousand years. Hotels began to develop back in ancient Greece and Rome, and their development was very long. During this…
