TOP 10 most beautiful temples in the world
ST. BASIL'S CATHEDRAL It is a religious building of the XVI century and the most recognizable temple in the whole world. A recognized fact was that Italian architects were invited…

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Choose a travel agency
Suppose that you are going on a trip, but do not know who to turn to for the selection of a suitable tour. In the tourist market of your city…

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Yaransk: the city, its events and people
Yaransk is a small city, but this does not prevent it from being charming in its own way. This lovely town does not sleep, it is full of interesting events,…

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Ayda to learn new cities!

There are 1,100 cities in Russia. I want to visit all of them. Some of them are old, some are still very young.

The Golden Ring of Russia is a tourist route that runs through ancient cities. These cities are steeped in centuries of history.

The city of Vladimir was founded in the 12th century. Managed to be the capital of Russia. Many poppies of Orthodox churches are viewed from different places of the city. Here are the world famous Assumption and Dmitrievsky Cathedrals, in the first of which the frescoes of Rublev himself have been preserved.

Walking in the center of the city, imagination transfers to that old city of the 19th century, when the sound of horseshoes on paving stones is heard. Museums have cognitive installations. You can listen to the exciting stories of guides about the history of the Vladimir province. Continue reading

The most interesting and unusual hotels in the world
It seems that in our time it is very difficult to attract a tourist to any country, a modern person will not be surprised at anything. This is actually not…


Eternal summer
No matter how trite it may sound, but when you arrive in the Dominican Republic you find yourself in a paradise, even unbelievers will appreciate it. The subtropical climate envelops…


The spirit of rest in Thailand
As soon as you leave the airport building in Thailand, you will immediately be enveloped in moist and hot viscous air. It smells of spices, flowers, red-hot earth, something sweet,…
