"New" Paris: little-known tourist places to go with children
The capital of France is unique in that it is always able to surprise both the inexperienced and the experienced traveler. Going to Paris for the first time, it is…

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Family holidays in Vityazevo
If you want to spend your holidays at sea with children, then there is no better place than Vityazevo! The beach strip is up to 200 meters wide with golden…

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Summer holidays in Crimea
Crimea as a resort began to develop in the second half of the XIX century. Since then, he has gained fame as a resting place of the Russian imperial family,…

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Prepare your car for travel

In order for the car trip to go without surprises, you should check the condition of the car components and additional equipment, which has different specifications in different European countries, before leaving. Do not forget about tires that are crucial to safety and comfort. Long trips at high and low temperatures, with family and luggage, should be, above all, safe.

A first aid kit is required in almost every European country. Before starting the trip, you should check its contents. Also, you should have reflective vests that must correspond to the number of passengers, or at least for adults, and place them in the car, and not in the trunk. Also, you should prepare and take the tow rope, jack, key, spare wheel and light bulbs to avoid discussions with law enforcement officials, for example in Slovakia, where the requirements in this regard are especially high. Continue reading

Amazing Vietnam: plunge into a fairy tale
Coming to Vietnam, peering into the faces of local residents, the question is very interesting - are they really the children of a beautiful fairy and a formidable dragon, as…


Exotic Dominican Republic
Travel companies today delight their customers with a variety of tours around the world. And one of the most popular destinations today is sunny Dominican Republic. JUAN DOLIO Fans of…


Interesting facts about the Coliseum
The ancient building for mass shows - the Colosseum, located at the base of two of the seven hills of the city - the Capitol and the Palatine, is considered…
