Yacht Dreams
DREAMS ABOUT THE YACHT Many argue and debate on the topic of buying a yacht. For those who are still thinking about purchasing it, it will be useful to know…

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Rest in Abkhazia: what to consider and where to stay
In the event that you want to relax on the clear Black Sea coast, travel around a large number of noteworthy places, try chic ethnic cuisine and excellent home-made wines,…

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PVC boats - how to improve quality?
Today, boats made of polyvinyl chloride can be called one of the most popular. For this reason, they are in mass sale. Due to increased demand, many manufacturers began to…

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fuel consumption

Vladimir attracts tourists – lovers of antiquity

Traveling along the Golden Ring, be sure to visit Vladimir – the city of ancient Russian architecture. For the convenience of tourists – comfortable and modern hotels in Vladimir. There are about two dozen of them, and most of them are located near the main attractions in the city center.

Vladimir hotels offer well-equipped rooms of various price categories and services. At your service: availability of free Wi-Fi, comfortable furniture and air conditioning, restaurants with Russian cuisine. Convenient parking is available, which is also important for car tourists. Continue reading

Prepare your car for travel

In order for the car trip to go without surprises, you should check the condition of the car components and additional equipment, which has different specifications in different European countries, before leaving. Do not forget about tires that are crucial to safety and comfort. Long trips at high and low temperatures, with family and luggage, should be, above all, safe.

A first aid kit is required in almost every European country. Before starting the trip, you should check its contents. Also, you should have reflective vests that must correspond to the number of passengers, or at least for adults, and place them in the car, and not in the trunk. Also, you should prepare and take the tow rope, jack, key, spare wheel and light bulbs to avoid discussions with law enforcement officials, for example in Slovakia, where the requirements in this regard are especially high. Continue reading

Tour to Greece - your dream come true!
Greece is a wonderful country! This direction has always been popular and relevant, both among young vacationers and older tourists. The high demand for tours to Greece is due to…


Ten amazing Mexico attractions
Mexico is a very colorful country, which is located in North America. It combines a relaxing beach holiday, unusual mysterious excursions and vibrant nightlife. If you happen to visit the…


Cities of Vladimir land
Vladimir region is a bright star on the tourist map of Russia. There are architectural monuments, and natural beauties, and ancient cities, and estates of famous people. Devoting time to…
