Israel Travel News (part 1)
ISRAELI BORDER ACCESS SYSTEM In February 2013, the Israeli authorities greatly simplified and accelerated the procedure for entering the country. The new system works successfully and concerns not only incoming…

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Tour to Greece - your dream come true!
Greece is a wonderful country! This direction has always been popular and relevant, both among young vacationers and older tourists. The high demand for tours to Greece is due to…

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Fishing goods
Going fishing, each person expects that he will be able to return home with a few kilograms of prey. It turns out this is not for everyone. However, there is…

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Life buoy for your boat

All fishermen, whether avid lovers or professionals, cherish and cherish their equipment for catching long-awaited prey. And most importantly – an inflatable PVC boat. It is worth noting that such a vehicle is not only used for fishing, but is also used by rescuers, border guards and divers.

It happens that a ship flies on a rocky shore, stumbles on sticking out roots of trees or sharp edges of ice, and in general, anything can happen. This is extremely unpleasant and annoying.

No inflatable boat is safe from small or large cuts. In this case, there is a reliable remedy for repairing damage, namely polyurethane film and glue. They will rush to your aid like Chip and Dale. Continue reading

Ancient Tallinn

Tallinn is one of the oldest cities in Northern Europe. It is quite miniature, but unusually rich in its architectural, historical monuments, parks, squares, distinctive traditions that give it a unique look. Most of the attractions of Tallinn are located in the Old Town, which has long been divided into Lower and Upper.

As a rule, excursions in Tallinn begin on the cozy Town Hall Square. It is located in the Lower City, occupies a very small territory and is surrounded by ancient buildings, each of which preserves its own history. Since the Middle Ages, Town Hall Square has been the heart of the city. Already in the XI century there was a market that existed until 1896. Carnivals and festivities were held on Town Hall Square, and the most favorite holiday among the townspeople was the removal of the Christmas tree, followed by funny dances. Continue reading

Walking in Vietnam
For modern tourists, the countries of the East and Asia are very attractive, since they are almost unknown. Interesting buildings make fantasy come true. Vietnam is a vivid example, it…


Parachuting: what is a hobby for extreme sports?
Nowadays, every person is daily exposed to various emotional outbursts in both personal and public life. And, unfortunately, they are not always pleasant. A person needs to regularly get rid…


Massage in Thailand. How not to run into hack
Massage has long been loved and revered by almost all the inhabitants of the globe. It is understandable. One type of massage relaxes that in conditions of constant stress, work,…
