Rest more - live longer
In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. It was for them that scientists from America introduced a special term - “absence leave syndrome”. This…

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Fishing goods
Going fishing, each person expects that he will be able to return home with a few kilograms of prey. It turns out this is not for everyone. However, there is…

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I would be in heaven ...
Many people think that they want to jump with a parachute, they want to feel this overwhelming feeling of adrenaline. This is a simple matter. The main thing is to…

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Benefits of a Braided Spinning Cord

Anglers began to actively use braided cords for spinning instead of monofilament fishing line.

Braided cords withstand heavy loads and are stronger than fishing line.

When buying, remember that the permissible weight that the cord can withstand by 25-30% should be lowered in practical use. If the fishing line for a weight of 12 kg, then it can withstand only 8 kg. Add 3-5 kg ​​from the weight of the fish to the braided string.

The diameter of the cord is measured by its appearance or casing. Continue reading

The scariest places in the world
There are many mystical places on earth that cause fear and horror in people. They are filmed in photos and videos, legends tell about them, make ratings of the worst…


Resting in Russia - Bogolyubovo
Bogolyubovo is one of the ancient settlements that arose during the time of Ancient Russia. Bogolyubovo appeared in the middle of the XII century by order of one of the…


The unforgettable temples of Thailand
Thailand- the country of many beautiful Buddhist temples. We will tell only about some of them so that you can plan their visit during your vacation in Thailand. Wat Phra…
