Beautiful island Greece (Thassos and Skiathos)
Greece is famous among many tourists for its picturesque islands and the warm Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean seas. Thousands of tourists relax in such famous Greek resorts as Athens, Halkidiki,…

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Rest more - live longer
In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. It was for them that scientists from America introduced a special term - “absence leave syndrome”. This…

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Ten amazing Mexico attractions
Mexico is a very colorful country, which is located in North America. It combines a relaxing beach holiday, unusual mysterious excursions and vibrant nightlife. If you happen to visit the…

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Life buoy for your boat

All fishermen, whether avid lovers or professionals, cherish and cherish their equipment for catching long-awaited prey. And most importantly – an inflatable PVC boat. It is worth noting that such a vehicle is not only used for fishing, but is also used by rescuers, border guards and divers.

It happens that a ship flies on a rocky shore, stumbles on sticking out roots of trees or sharp edges of ice, and in general, anything can happen. This is extremely unpleasant and annoying.

No inflatable boat is safe from small or large cuts. In this case, there is a reliable remedy for repairing damage, namely polyurethane film and glue. They will rush to your aid like Chip and Dale. Continue reading

Beautiful island Greece (Thassos and Skiathos)
Greece is famous among many tourists for its picturesque islands and the warm Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean seas. Thousands of tourists relax in such famous Greek resorts as Athens, Halkidiki,…


Tours in Thailand. What to do in Bangkok
Anyone who decided to visit Bangkok during their stay in Thailand can be sure that disappointment will not befall him. The first thing that catches your eye, or rather, annoys…


Tours to Spain - Valencia
One of the largest cities in Spain - Valencia, is located on the Mediterranean coast in the south-eastern part of Spain. A city with a mild climate, here the air…
