Walking in Vietnam
For modern tourists, the countries of the East and Asia are very attractive, since they are almost unknown. Interesting buildings make fantasy come true. Vietnam is a vivid example, it…

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Traveling with a child: which transport to choose?
Are you planning a trip with a small child? Congratulations! Someone will say that you are a desperate parent. We, on the contrary, will support you, and say that there…

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Amazing Vietnam: plunge into a fairy tale
Coming to Vietnam, peering into the faces of local residents, the question is very interesting - are they really the children of a beautiful fairy and a formidable dragon, as…

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Massage in Thailand. How not to run into hack

Massage has long been loved and revered by almost all the inhabitants of the globe. It is understandable. One type of massage relaxes that in conditions of constant stress, work, everyday problems, etc., it is a lifesaver. Another type has healing functions and, with the right approach, can bring long-awaited improvement to the problem areas of your body.

In this article, we will talk about Thai massage, which has become the hallmark of the country, and few travelers are able to resist the temptation to try out this type of relaxation on themselves. It is important not to confuse massage with other types of services that are popular in Thailand. Continue reading

Vladimir attracts tourists - lovers of antiquity
Traveling along the Golden Ring, be sure to visit Vladimir - the city of ancient Russian architecture. For the convenience of tourists - comfortable and modern hotels in Vladimir. There…


Yaransk: the city, its events and people
Yaransk is a small city, but this does not prevent it from being charming in its own way. This lovely town does not sleep, it is full of interesting events,…


Cities of Vladimir land
Vladimir region is a bright star on the tourist map of Russia. There are architectural monuments, and natural beauties, and ancient cities, and estates of famous people. Devoting time to…
