Vladimir attracts tourists - lovers of antiquity
Traveling along the Golden Ring, be sure to visit Vladimir - the city of ancient Russian architecture. For the convenience of tourists - comfortable and modern hotels in Vladimir. There…

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Exotic Dominican Republic
Travel companies today delight their customers with a variety of tours around the world. And one of the most popular destinations today is sunny Dominican Republic. JUAN DOLIO Fans of…

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Cities of Vladimir land
Vladimir region is a bright star on the tourist map of Russia. There are architectural monuments, and natural beauties, and ancient cities, and estates of famous people. Devoting time to…

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Life buoy for your boat

All fishermen, whether avid lovers or professionals, cherish and cherish their equipment for catching long-awaited prey. And most importantly – an inflatable PVC boat. It is worth noting that such a vehicle is not only used for fishing, but is also used by rescuers, border guards and divers.

It happens that a ship flies on a rocky shore, stumbles on sticking out roots of trees or sharp edges of ice, and in general, anything can happen. This is extremely unpleasant and annoying.

No inflatable boat is safe from small or large cuts. In this case, there is a reliable remedy for repairing damage, namely polyurethane film and glue. They will rush to your aid like Chip and Dale. Continue reading

Dominican Republic - a tropical paradise on earth!
Dreaming of a vacation in a true paradise with unspoilt nature, amazing beaches and unique landscapes? Then last-minute tours to the Dominican Republic are your choice! You can swim in…


Correct installation of the protective strip for the keel of the vessel
Polyurethane plastic linings protect the stem and keel of the vessel from damage when mooring to the shore and climbing onto the trailer. The advantages of such a tape are…


The spirit of rest in Thailand
As soon as you leave the airport building in Thailand, you will immediately be enveloped in moist and hot viscous air. It smells of spices, flowers, red-hot earth, something sweet,…
