Yaransk: the city, its events and people
Yaransk is a small city, but this does not prevent it from being charming in its own way. This lovely town does not sleep, it is full of interesting events,…

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Welcome to Cyprus!
The island of Cyprus is a hospitable and safe country, charming with its picturesque nature, pristine beaches and magnificent architectural monuments. If you bought a tour to Cyprus to spend…

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Tourist Egypt. El gouna
Holidays in Egypt have long been no luxury. Many Russians fell in love with this country, its traditions and customs, hospitable resorts, among which the resort town of El Gouna…

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Interesting facts about the Coliseum

The ancient building for mass shows – the Colosseum, located at the base of two of the seven hills of the city – the Capitol and the Palatine, is considered one of the symbols of Ancient Rome, and since 1979 it has been protected by UNESCO.

The Colosseum might not have been built, but the Roman emperor Flavius ​​Titus Vespasian (senior) decided to eliminate the traces of the reign of Claudius Nero. Construction began on the site of a pond with swans in the year 70. The opening of the Coliseum was in the year 80, under the rule of the son of Titus, who was the representative of Flavius ​​(dynasty of emperors). Therefore, often in historical documents the Colosseum was called as “Flavian Amphitheater.” Continue reading

The most interesting and unusual hotels in the world
It seems that in our time it is very difficult to attract a tourist to any country, a modern person will not be surprised at anything. This is actually not…


Holidays in Spain - interesting facts
Which of us would not like to spend a vacation in Spain? After all, this sunny country is famous for its pleasant climate, amazing natural landscapes, a lot of impressive…


Family holidays in Vityazevo
If you want to spend your holidays at sea with children, then there is no better place than Vityazevo! The beach strip is up to 200 meters wide with golden…
