Ayda to learn new cities!
There are 1,100 cities in Russia. I want to visit all of them. Some of them are old, some are still very young. The Golden Ring of Russia is a…

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Benefits of a Braided Spinning Cord
Anglers began to actively use braided cords for spinning instead of monofilament fishing line. Braided cords withstand heavy loads and are stronger than fishing line. When buying, remember that the…

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Resting in Russia - Bogolyubovo
Bogolyubovo is one of the ancient settlements that arose during the time of Ancient Russia. Bogolyubovo appeared in the middle of the XII century by order of one of the…

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large tourist city

Israel Travel News (part 2)

The rating, compiled by one of the national television channels, includes only four beaches. In the first place was Rosh HaNikra (Rosh Hanikira), located in the northern part of the country, near the border with Lebanon. This is a state reserve, washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and consisting of many grottoes penetrated by clefts. The bays near the grottoes are a particularly picturesque sight, because they change their appearance and color depending on the time of day or season of the year, charming and attracting attention. True, beauty also has a downside: during storms, not uncommon for this place, excursions to the grottos are canceled. Continue reading

Traveling with a child: which transport to choose?
Are you planning a trip with a small child? Congratulations! Someone will say that you are a desperate parent. We, on the contrary, will support you, and say that there…


Beautiful island Greece (Thassos and Skiathos)
Greece is famous among many tourists for its picturesque islands and the warm Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean seas. Thousands of tourists relax in such famous Greek resorts as Athens, Halkidiki,…


Tours to Spain - Valencia
One of the largest cities in Spain - Valencia, is located on the Mediterranean coast in the south-eastern part of Spain. A city with a mild climate, here the air…
