Tourist Egypt. El gouna
Holidays in Egypt have long been no luxury. Many Russians fell in love with this country, its traditions and customs, hospitable resorts, among which the resort town of El Gouna…

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Resting in Russia - Bogolyubovo
Bogolyubovo is one of the ancient settlements that arose during the time of Ancient Russia. Bogolyubovo appeared in the middle of the XII century by order of one of the…

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Resting in Russia - Bogolyubovo
Bogolyubovo is one of the ancient settlements that arose during the time of Ancient Russia. Bogolyubovo appeared in the middle of the XII century by order of one of the…

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proper relaxation

Rest more – live longer

In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. It was for them that scientists from America introduced a special term – “absence leave syndrome”. This is not an unfounded statement; medical research has been carried out, the results of which should be known to every employee and his boss.

Those who consider rest to be a waste of time should know that their body’s propensity to develop a disease such as cancer increases significantly. Stroke is the second disease that threatens those who do not like to relax. Only three weeks of rest per year will correct the situation and reduce the likelihood of premature death by twenty percent. But you should remember – rest must be right. Simply put, the right rest is one after which you do not need to rest. There are several urgent recommendations for proper relaxation. Continue reading

Resting in Russia - Bogolyubovo
Bogolyubovo is one of the ancient settlements that arose during the time of Ancient Russia. Bogolyubovo appeared in the middle of the XII century by order of one of the…


Ten amazing Mexico attractions
Mexico is a very colorful country, which is located in North America. It combines a relaxing beach holiday, unusual mysterious excursions and vibrant nightlife. If you happen to visit the…


Eternal summer
No matter how trite it may sound, but when you arrive in the Dominican Republic you find yourself in a paradise, even unbelievers will appreciate it. The subtropical climate envelops…
