Rest more - live longer
In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. It was for them that scientists from America introduced a special term - “absence leave syndrome”. This…

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TOP 10 most beautiful temples in the world
ST. BASIL'S CATHEDRAL It is a religious building of the XVI century and the most recognizable temple in the whole world. A recognized fact was that Italian architects were invited…

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TOP 10 most beautiful temples in the world
ST. BASIL'S CATHEDRAL It is a religious building of the XVI century and the most recognizable temple in the whole world. A recognized fact was that Italian architects were invited…

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Choose a travel agency

Suppose that you are going on a trip, but do not know who to turn to for the selection of a suitable tour.

In the tourist market of your city is full – full of relevant offers, and, of course, eyes are staring from such a variety.

Who to contact? How to choose the best company so that the rest not only delights, but also does not hit the wallet? Let’s figure it out.

The most important thing, of course, is to decide what you want to get from the rest.

Relax – tour. You want calm, measured rhythm: lie down on the beach. soak up the sun, calmly get up for breakfast, do not run anywhere. Continue reading

I would be in heaven ...
Many people think that they want to jump with a parachute, they want to feel this overwhelming feeling of adrenaline. This is a simple matter. The main thing is to…


Floating Markets in Bangkok
Bangkok is a modern metropolis, where, along with luxury and huge houses, there is poverty of peasant buildings and neighborhoods. There are large shopping centers or natural markets, but typical…


Fishing goods
Going fishing, each person expects that he will be able to return home with a few kilograms of prey. It turns out this is not for everyone. However, there is…
